Featured Projects
PVfit Client
Re-architect the front-end client for PVfit, a cloud-based computational service for photovoltaic (PV) device performance model calibration from current-voltage (I-V) curve measurements. Using Gatsby and React develop a configurable front-end client using Markdown and Yaml files to build application inputs, data-handling and API examples to interact with the service endpoints.
Community Needs Tracker Slack App
A Slack App with a RESTful NodeJS and MySQL back end, built to help facilitate coordination of homeless shelter venues, contact persons and supplies. By collecting data via Slack forms and reporting back to specified Slack channels on a configurable schedule, an organization can centralize data and communication within the Slack platform.
CSS Golf
A React Firebase code-in-the-dark style game of CSS challenges developed to teach S/CSS concepts and strategies to fellow coworkers. Leverages Netlify and Firebase lambda functions for compiling SCSS, linting attempts, generating pixel diffs and managing admin role permissions.
Montana History Center Website
Website to provide awareness to the general public in Montana that there is money available to build a new MT historical society building, and that the best location is the former capital hill mall site. Developed with Gatsby and Netlify headless CMS to allow for Markdown driven content management with an intuitive UI to facilitate content updates without need for developer intervention.
Story Arcitech Website
Create a dynamic, data-driven website for my wife, a freelance filmmaker and editor, built in React and Webpack, with a simple PHP based API backend. Use Xataface for easy content management of projects, links and awards.
Coin Development Index Website
A RESTful API driven site for tracking cryptocurrency stats including price, market cap ranking and repository activity, built on a custom PHP interface to manage JSON files consumed by the front end. Use Handlebars for templating
CTD Timeclock
Extend PHP Timeclock, an open-source web-based punch clock, to record employees\ worked hours and provide reports for payroll. Using PHP SOAP to the WORKetc API, pull current orders in process into the timeclock, so that employees can easily clock in on active projects and record time against specific orders.
Flat Screen Surrounds Configurator
This AngularJS module on the main landing page for CTD's Flat Screen Surround products allows users to quickly configure a SKU and provides a direct link to the web store listing, with choices pre-selected, ready to add to cart. A quick sizing check field provides a modal quote request form for custom sizes, with Bootstrap and Angular input validation, submitted via AJAX to an AMFPHP service to email sales staff.
HTML5 Arcade Game
An HTML5 and JavaScript adaptation of a classic arcade game, created for Udacity's Front End Web Developer Nanodegree. Written in AMD pattern with RequireJS, utilizing Object-Oriented JavaScript inheritance. Use Git for version control, Bower for package management and Grunt to automate linting tasks.
Reyes For Judge Website
A WordPress site for Ruben James Reyes Campaign for Judge, 2nd 25th Judicial District of Texas, featuring several customized plugins, including a PayPal Donation module, Facebook feed & Events Calendar.
Class of 1995 Reunion Website
A MEAN stack site for Seguin High School, Class of 1995 20 year Reunion to provide event details and online registration and ticket purchase, with several custom built modules. Integrations were created with Google Maps API for a classmate locator map, Spotify API for song playlist, and Stripe API for ticket purchasing.
CTD Admin Purchase Orders
Extend Xataface, a web based GUI for MySQL to managing company POs, related materials and supplies. Integrate with Xero, a cloud accounting SaaS, and QBO for creating and updating Accounts Payable invoices. Also leverage WORKetc, a cloud CRM SaaS, via their API to create and retrieve vendor contact information.
CTD Admin Production Schedule
Cherry Tree Website Redesign
Update Cherry Tree Design's website, to a responsively designed, engaging space for homeowners, designers and architects to learn, plan, design and price Cherry Tree Design products. Provide mobile friendly, intuitive tools and resources where customers and sales staff can coordinate and plan projects. Integrate with the company CRM, WORKetc, to create web tools that feed customer & product data directly into the system, avoiding unnecessary data entry.
SUMO Shoji Configurator
An HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript adaptation of Space Creator's door drawing, focusing on Object-Oriented JavaScript programming, intended to explore the possibilities for migrating Space Creator, a Flash app, to JavaScript and Canvas.
Village Dance Theater Website
Using Joomla, a PHP/MySQL based CMS, design and configure a small dance school's website, allowing for the client to easily update article and gallery creation via the Joomla administration portal and use of third-party plugins.
Space Creator Shoji Configurator
An ActionScript3 Flash application to select, design and configure options for CTD's In-Stock and Custom Shoji products, allowing users to save projects, and administrators to access customer projects, calculate pricing, and send an HTML email quote. Requests for quotes are passed into the company's Customer Relationship Management service, WORKetc, by means of a web service API, via the PHP SOAP extension.
Modular Partition Configurator
An ActionScript3 Flash application to select and configure a partition system from hundreds of possible configurations and product options. Use Flash remoting to fetch product data from a MySQL database. Leverage Flash timeline animation with 3D Sketchup to create rotatable models of partitions.